The oldest knife in France to honor the blog Couteaux terroir et Compagnie
From Nontron to the Basque Country, from the bandiat to the Atlantic Ocean, there is only one step … crossed by this blog Couteaux Terroir & Compagnie who chose this month to talk about the mythical model of the Nontronnaise cutlery, on sale at Les Couteliers Basques in Bidart in the Basque Country. The article that mentions the festival of the knife which is held every year in August, puts perfectly in front the Nontron spirit, namely a heritage resulting from a secular tradition, time when Nontron, industrious city of Périgord, counted 35 cutlery stores for 2800 inhabitants. Today, with pride the Nontronnaise Cutlery perpetuates the tradition with its know-how become unique, just like its building placed on the foothills of Nontron, facing the Bandiat river which gave birth to it.
The folding knife Nontron, indispensable accessory that has survived the centuries.
Basque Country, Water and Metal Blades
This article allows Internet users to go further in the discovery of the blog Couteaux terroir et Compagnie which perfectly places the craft creation in its environment. The Basque knives of course occupy a major place, but Rachel & Pascal Exposito, art craftsmen cutlers in Bidart, invite to discover the roots of these beautiful blades by embarking us on a tourist, historical and gastronomic journey in this green country and blue where the blades of the Atlantic come for millennia to break daily on the coasts of Biarritz. Good addresses and anecdotes punctuate each article. This Basque blog continues to be animated by a similar editorial spirit to that of its non-Flemish counterpart: the passion for beautiful things, the roots and traditions of the region, with the aim of understanding the world today and (re) discovering the world. -this.
The nontronnais knives are available at Bidart, at the Couteliers Basques (photo Couteaux terroir et Compagnie)
Couteaux basques et Nontronnais int su se forger une identité au cours des siècles. Une raison pour laquelle ils cohabitent parfaitement aujourd’hui, tant sur ce blog que dans les magasins de coutellerie.