The Nontronnaise cutlery will host Sunday (March 5th) visitors (fast) on its premises: the runners of the 5th Trail of Grands Couteliers.
The 5th Grand Trail des Couteliers, which will take place on Sunday, March 5, 2017, will sport Nontron and the Périgord Vert for a race that promises to be full of surprises! 12km? 24km? Running or walking? General Leclerc Avenue will let the cars make room for hundreds of runners.
The urban and the country wait for them, to highlight the heritage of the capital of Périgord Vert and its surroundings. Thus the crowd will move at a run through the picturesque streets of the old city center to go through the cutlery, discover the old quarries and walk through an old railway tunnel and a viaduct with breathtaking views of the Bandiat Valley, the river thanks to which so many knives have emerged for centuries.
Through the cutlery …
Nontronnaise Cutlery is again this year partner of the Trail of Grands Couteliers. Thus the factory opens its doors and allows athletes to cross the wood workshop, a step that pleases a lot because that’s where the handles of Nontron knives are made; Then go to the shop and visit the magnificent display stands highlighting the know-how made in Périgord Vert. If this visit of the workshops remains a little fast to admire all the outlines, the event remains an invitation to return to Nontron to discover the workshops and all facets of this talented city, like the Pole Crafts from Nontron.

Essential step of the trail of the great cutlers in Nontron: the passage to the runway by the Coutellerie de Nontron
At the finish of the race, the cutlery is also present through a stand at the House of Sports, history for fans of beautiful blades to win a trophy adapted to the theme of the race. Between the urban route and the green walk, the Grands Couteliers Trail knows how to highlight the assets before the arrival of spring, with riders of all ages but also walkers, a loop that can be done quietly on foot. The knives of Nontron will then be better able to be highlighted…